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Terminal Emulators


The Bristol Group, Ltd.

Using available networking, Isotek interprets Tektronix 4014 through 4225stream protocol, and is compatible with standard Tektronix libraries,including PLOT 10 IGL. Isotek provides total Tektronix emulation,including:keyboard control and definition.reporting), segments (defining, displaying, editing), and surfaces.Features of Isotek include PostScript output of Tek window graphics withuser-adjustable grayscale setting, Tek 4692 Color Raster Graphics Printersupport, and overlapped graphic and dialogue windows.Isotek offers support for most Tektronix tablets, mice, plotters, andraster hardcopy devices, using standard peripherals. An entire 4125keyboard is presented graphically in an OPEN LOOK window so that users donot have to memorize keyboard equivalents.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

The Bristol Group, Ltd.
100 Larkspur Landing Cir Ste 200
Larkspur, CA 94939
Phone: (415) 925-9250
Fax: (415) 925-9278